Yes.exam is only a piece of paper
but it also can be cruel enough to dissect your brain
to write down everything
especially when you cant think the answer
so be prepared..
urgh..i hate exm.u turn me into panda.poor my eyes.
wait after exam i'll trnsform to koala
( hibernate time..hehe )
but it also can be cruel enough to dissect your brain
to write down everything
especially when you cant think the answer
so be prepared..
urgh..i hate exm.u turn me into panda.poor my eyes.
wait after exam i'll trnsform to koala
( hibernate time..hehe )
p/s:can't wait for final break =p..aishhh..study2
wat elok2 dear
okkayh..thnks 4 giving me support :)
gud luck swety..all da bes ok..pray 4 u..;)
kak fyza:mekasih kak fyza yg comel..hihi
gdluck! jgn lupe makan buah kiwi byak2..haha..apekah? :p
erkkk..apakah..haha...klau bleyh pndai nk gk mkn..hihi
kema...tok tdo lagi..?
all the best, love..
hehe..blom.tga dating ngn thermal n non-thermal.. ^^
Gud luck Sis....
Yu ar the best not the beast..Hehehehehehe
moga mudah mnjawabnya...
selamat maju jaya...jangan lupa belanja.
miecyber:hehe..tq..yes im not the beast coz im not from monkey but darwin is the beast..=p
amri rani:hehe..mekasih^^
cikgu:erkkk..blnje ap ni???
Gud luck kiwi..
mekasih ^^
gud luck syg...jgn dok men tenet jer...mmg nk kono ni...grr~
x kn nk mngadap buku je..huhu...tension2 men la tenet sket2..bleyh kn??..hehe.sket je.. =p
tringat ms study kat UTM dulu...
ada gak bawak toyol...
tp ble dah abih exam tu, jgn tersalah htr toyol plak yea...nti haru....hehe
haaa...kntoi..hehe...pndai ye pak wi..
kiwi x brani sgt nk bwk toyol mse exm..huhu..
memg pnakot sket..
exam ke? gudluck! :)
9hb bln ni mggu dpn pnuh ngn kuiz test n asgmnt..huhu
wah! sian plak sy dgr padat jgk jadual awk.. ape2 stay focus dan terus maju ok! :)
2 la.mnggu dpn mggu pling nsib baik asgmnt group...
huh! teruk jgk ek? tp selamat la ada study group klu sorg2 susah jgk la...
bgus gk sbnrnye..sbb jdi study awl2..klau ikutkn exm sbnr 24 hb..lps rye..9hb 2 subjek elektif dlu..hihi ^^
oh... mcm tu plak? wah! respek awk! klu sy jd gila rasanya sbb sy xleh byk assigment ni.... naik pening
sbb test byk je study..klau x sy mls gk nk study..huhu...
good luck syg.....xpe men tenet sket2....jgn study sampai mereng k! =p
okkayh..t esok kite chat k.sorry...hri ni bz sket..huhu
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